AlmaLinux Beta is now available to download

AlmaLinux beta is ready to download, and it’s CentOS with a new coat of paint

CloudLinux announced the first beta release of AlmaLinux, which is based on CentOS 8. AlmaLinux is a free 1:1 binary compatible fork of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, with most RHEL packages and is ready for community testing. According to the announcement, the company collected feedback from the community and built the beta release around the expectations from an enterprise-level Linux distribution.

Alma Linux Beta

“As promised, the main development and maintenance were done by the CloudLinux team. And now we appeal to the community for its contributions,” said CloudLinux’s founder and CEO, Igor Seletskiy. “ In the spirit of the community-driven initiative, we now require assistance with testing, documentation, support and planning the future roadmap.”

The team also stated that they set up all the infrastructure to make it convenient for contributors to provide input. The GitHub page is also published and the finalized source code will be added once the stable release has been completed.

The CloudLinux engineering team gathered the community’s frequently asked questions and published technical details on the AlmaLinux Wiki as resources for additional information. The AlmaLinux team also hosting a live Q&A to session to help answer some of the common questions.