WordPress 6.0 Beta 3 is released

The WordPress team has released the new beta version for the upcoming major WordPress version.

As the release date of WordPress 6.0 gets closer, the developers of WordPress are pushing hard to fix the possible problems by releasing beta versions. One week ago, the team released WordPress 6.0 Beta 2; now the Beta 3 is ready for download for those who want to contribute to the development by testing and reporting the issues.

Improvements for comments

WordPress 6.0 Beta 3 brings some additional bug fixes and minor improvements rather than new features for its components and features; mainly comment-related ones. The improvements include the ability to set a default comment status for discussions, and implementing alternative .json files for the Twenty Twenty-Two theme.

« A prior announcement for WordPress 6.0 Beta 1 included a reference to “Webfonts API: Manage local fonts with PHP or theme.json”, as a feature that would be included in the release. WordPress 6.0 Beta 3 will allow theme authors to use webfonts in theme.json, with a public API for plugins to register and enqueue webfonts available in a future version for WordPress. Beta 3 will also include three new style variations to the Twenty Twenty-Two default theme »

You can see the other major changes below:

  • Fix duotone rendering in the site editor
  • Create Comments Title block with the simple styling 
  • Navigation block: After choosing an option from Select Menu, focus after the block render
  • Add comment id to all comments inside the comments query loop
  • Add post-comments-form block to comments template
  • Elements: Add styles to the footer before the block is rendered
  • Add default comment status to discussion settings
  • Fix styles for nested elements (link color)
  • Move wp_enqueue_block_style() to wp-includes/script-loader.php, for better consistency
  • Move administration related hooks to admin-filters.php

The final version of WordPress 6.0 will be released on May 24th. You can install and test WordPress 6.0 Beta 3 by installing the WordPress Beta Tester plugin and selecting the Bleeding Edge channel and Beta/RC Only stream. Additionally, you can directly download it as a .zip file. It is also possible to install by the WP-CLI command below; however, it is not advised if the target system’s filesystem is case-insensitive.

wp core update --version=6.0-beta3

Click here to download the WordPress Beta Tester plugin

Click here to download WordPress 6.0 Beta 3 ZIP file