On Page Optimization is done for individual web pages to increase the loading speed and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. Content optimization is also a part of On-page Optimization. When we talk about content it also means the title and description meta tags, headings, titles in urls etc.

1. Content plays an important role in optimizing a website. Content on your web pages should be UNIQUE. It should not appear on any other pages in the web. Copying content from other websites will get your website penalized by Google. Always add unique, fresh content.
2. Content should be USEFUL to the users so the value of your web pages goes up. Updating your webpage with latest and useful content will get you returning visitors.
3. A users attention on a web page can be held only if INFORMATIVE content is present on the webpage. Give as much informative as possible in your pages to retain the visitors.
4. The webpage should be RESPONSIVE rendering properly to any device. Usage of Mobile phones and Tablets had tremendously increased. If your website is not responsive, no one likes to visit your website in smaller devices.